Instructions for 32bit Debian and Ubuntu based distributions: Last updated 2013-01-23
Although the IBM Lotus Notes 8.5.3 was designed for GNOME 2 and has dependencies for GNOME 2 libraries, this install with the instructions provided below will result in IBM Lotus Notes install that will work with almost any window-manager. I confirmed it works with Cinnamon, MATE, and GNOME 3.
installed to -
- install the deb of lotus notes,
- sudo dpkg -i –force-all ibm-lotus-notes-8.5.3.i586.deb
- install gtk hack (from
- (validate permissions of
- copy and notes-wrapper to /opt/ibm/lotus/notes/
- make chmod +x notes-wrapper sudo cp notes-wrapper /opt/ibm/lotus/notes/
- fix LotusNotes8.5.desktop file in /usr/share/applications
- [Desktop Entry] Encoding=UTF-8 Name=Lotus Notes 8.5 Type=Application Exec=env LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/ibm/lotus/notes/:/usr/lib32/:/usr/lib32/i386-linux-gnu/ /opt/ibm/lotus/notes/framework/../notes-wrapper %F Icon=/opt/ibm/lotus/notes/framework/shared/eclipse/features/ Terminal=false Categories=Application;Office;
- Xterm required for initial setup
- When starting the application for the first time, you'll need to agree to a licensing agreement. It appears not everyone has xterm installed as default, or perhaps had become removed. Therefore, install xterm if not already installed
- sudo apt-get install xterm
OPTIONAL: If you are missing the Microsoft fonts, install the following package:
Just to advertise the IBM Notes 9 (and soon 9.0.1) update in the referenced: