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Wednesday, 4 June 2014

Which filesystems I use and why

I've been frequently asked which filesystems I prefer.  I decided to put together a post discussing my filesystems of choice and general analysis of the criteria.

Windows VMs/KVMs etc

Obvious choice is NTFS.  In KVM, the NTFS filesystem is stored in a QCOW2 container (allowing the filesystem to be easily resized/extended and snapshots/clones reduce data storage consumption).

Raspberry Pi / Beagle Bone Black / Cubieboard

read-only EXT4 with journaling off

I generally turn journaling off (by running tune2fs -O ^has_journal /dev/sda) to preserve the flash and SD write health of my media.  I have literally killed genuine SanDisk premium SD cards with "active" Raspberry Pi systems that had journaling on.

I prefer to make my partitions read-only, with using tempfs to store writes.  If I want write to be persistent, I store the data on a secondary EXT4 writable partition.  However, the root and boot partitions, I keep read-only unless I'm performing an upgrade on the system.  By keeping the filesystem as read-only, I avoid corrupting the SD card with bad writes caused by bad power sources, overclocking or improper shutdown.  I found even with reliable power sources, no overclocking and always ensuring safe shutdown, my SD card would become corrupt over time (just generally less often -- say over 6 months instead of 6 weeks, but corrupt neither-less).  I have seen several exhaustive tests done by other Raspberry Pi users that conclude the same -- that only read-only filesystems on SD cards will prevent corruption.

Debian-based Linux Systems on SSD


I use the mounting parameters rw,errors=remount-ro,user_xattr,noatime,discard that reduce unnecessary update of inodes when accessing files.  The discard enables TRIM support and should be enabled for as long as your drive supports it (hdparm -I /dev/sda | grep TRIM).  If you enable discard and your drive doesn't support it, you'll have data loss.

EXT4 has better support than previous versions (EXT2, EXT3), even though there is increased journaling in EXT4 (that can reduce the lifespan of SSD drives).  If you have frequent writes and have means to mitigate the risk of data loss in system crashes/etc, then consider turning journaling off (tune2fs -O ^has_journal /dev/sda).

I reduce the amount of writes to SSD by using various tempfs (stored in RAM) for logging, tmp and caching.  I use the find -mtime command to identify files that are frequently written to (in most cases, for unnecessary reasons).  I then schedule startup, suspend/hibernate and shutdown routines that sync these tempfs to disk.  I store everything from system logs and google chrome / Mozilla configuration and cache directories to RAM.

Debian-based Linux Systems on slow hard drives


I have one Sony VAIO system that uses a 1.8" 4200rpm SATA hard drive.  A really slow hard drive benefits from the speed advantages of XFS.  One should note that data loss can become and issue for system crashes/etc.  You can consider mounting the XFS filesystem as read-only, and use tempfs to store writes to be synced to disk in a safe fasion (similar to the Raspberry Pi setup). 

Linux Containers / LXC and Linux Based VMs/KVMs


For any system that you use kernel 3.9 or greater, you should consider using BTRFS to store your operating system.  BTRFS allows you to "snapshot" and clone your LXC/VM with minimum data duplication.  Similar to QCOW2 (in KVM) and snapshots in VMware, BTRFS will help you reduce your LXC/VM disk consumption.  

NAS units (such as DNS 323)

EXT4 with SAMBA and NFS

I use alt-f firmware on my DNS 323 units, so my NAS units do support EXT4.  A lot of older NAS units or DNS 323 units running on official firmware, may not support EXT4.  In those cases I use EXT3, and as I upgrade firmware on the NAS or replace it with a more capable NAS, I convert to EXT4.  The journaling of EXT4 provides the best means of preventing data loss besides moving to a filesystem such as BTRFS or ZFS.  My NAS units, even with modern open-source and community driven firmware like alf-f, does not support BTRFS or ZFS due to hardware limitation (memory and CPU required to support "tomorrow's filesystems").  I mitigate risk of data loss due to corruption by maintaining offline mirror drives for each NAS drive.

Samba shares enabled for sharing with Windows and XBMC on Raspberry Pi and NFS for mounting the drives on Linux systems.

Comments about BTRFS and ZFS

I really believe that BTRFS and ZFS will be the filesystems for the future.  BTRFS is highly being developed on and is meant to share a lot of the benefits and features of ZFS but without the licensing restrictions.  If you have situations/applications where you can't run newer versions of the Linux kernel, then you should avoid BTRFS -- it's always best to only use BTRFS on systems with at least kernel 3.9.  

ZFS is an Oracle created filesystem that has great data integrity (to guard against bit rot and data corruption), built in encryption and compression and data deduplication (great for snapshoting and cloning).  ZFS has been ported to Linux using either native kernel modules or by FUSE.  There are licensing issues as ZFS isn't licenses under GPL, and therefore, the implementation has stripped out features and is not as stable as the original Sun Solaris implementation.  Being that the original Oracle implementation is 64-bit, the linux native kernel modules are only compiled for amd64, so if you need to support 32-bit systems, you should not consider ZFS.  Further, ZFS needs a fair amount of RAM (4GB) to manage.  Also, if you often run/use the latest Linux kernel versions, you may have issues as you have to wait for the native kernel modules to be updated for your kernel release -- due to licensing restrictions, they don't come bundled with the kernel, so you need to wait for the support community to update the modules afterwards.  I've been using kernel 3.13 for 6+ months, and I still don't have ZFS kernel modules that work on my kernel version.

ZFS also has embedded support for Samba and NFS -- that is, the filesystem can be automatically shared, without any additional configuration, simply by enabling sharesmb or sharenfs.

BTRFS is a good compromise to ZFS -- to gain some of the features without dealing with some of the problems.  Both would be considered "non-production" at this point.  Don't store critical data on them without having good mechanisms in place to safe guard against being inflicted by bugs that often pop-up in bleeding-edge development work.


  1. In addition to the above I use exfat for media drives in case I need to share with PC, Mac or Linux, chances are they all work.

    HFS for the Mac for the same reasons as NTFS.

  2. thx archie for the recommendation
